Monday, July 18, 2011

San Diego Trip

We started off the summer with a trip to San Diego. We visited Old Town, The Mormon Battlion site and our new favorite restaurant Miguels!

We spent a day at Sea World.

Played in the sand and lounged by the pool.

We hit up a Padres game.

The weather was beautiful and the company was great.

We Love San Diego!

The Last Year...

We've been MIA from the blogging world for a whole year.

I guess you can blame that on nursing school, an MBA program, church callings, work and lots of fun. It's been a great and busy year for us that I'm not even going to attempt to catch up on. Stay tuned for what we've been up to lately.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Summertime...oh how we love it!

We spent last weekend with our good friends Mike & Jess. We started off the weekend on Friday night with a dutch oven dinner up the canyon. We happened to forget to bring any utensils to eat with...oops! Thanks to Mike's mad carving skills we had forks. Eating with the carved "forks" made it all the more fun. We spent Saturday boating at Quail Lake. We had such a great time. Scott and I are both so glad that summer is finally here:)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

And So It Begins...

Scott and I have been married for nearly five years. I can't believe how fast it has gone by. These days we both keep busy with school, work and church. We love to go on vacation and squeeze in a baseball game whenever we can. We have so much fun together. Here is a little glimpse into our life...

Scott is the Public Relations Manager at Valley View Medical Center. He loves his job and works with great people. He graduated with his Bachelor's degree from SUU a few years ago and is now knee deep in his Masters program at the University of Memphis. He spends most of his spare time serving as the first counselor in the bishopric of our ward. He's a busy guy, but still finds time to hang out with the love of his life (that's me-just in case you were wondering.)

I am currently working as a Telemetry Tech in Cardiac Rehab at Valley View Medical Center. I love my job and really enjoy the people I work with. I am also a nursing student at Mohave and I absolutely love it! We are very blessed.